UX Research

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Card sorting

To shape intuitive and user-friendly designs, you must consider multiple aspects that can be difficult to organise. But here comes the card sorting.

What is
Cart Sorting?

Card sorting is a research method used to improve the structure and usability of a website or application. Also, it's often used to gather user insights and preferences.

The method is recommended when a company plans to design a new website or application or to improve the user experience of an existing one.

Card sorting is handy when there's a need to determine how users prefer to categorise information on their website and how they want to access it.

Organise your users’ insights
with Card Sorting

Card sorting, focusing on user behaviours, needs, and preferences, is a powerful ally while doing UX research for new and existing digital products or websites. Let's discover what value this approach brings to the table.

Valuable insights into users’ needs and preferences

Card sorting directly involves users in the content organisation, providing clear insights into their needs and how they logically categorise information. This feedback is essential for understanding user preferences and can guide the creation of a user-centred design that resonates with the target audience.

Intuitive user experience of your product

By aligning the structure of your product with the way users naturally think and categorise information, card sorting helps create a more intuitive user interface. This intuitive design reduces the learning curve for new users and enhances their overall experience, as they find it easier to navigate and interact with the product.

Identifies User Mental Models

Card sorting helps uncover how users categorise and perceive information, aligning the design closer to users' mental models. This understanding is crucial for creating intuitive navigation and organisation in a product.

Our Approach
to Card Sorting

As a team of UX consultants, we've done numerous rounds of card sorting. Besides the method being relatively simple and intuitive, we follow some principles to make it as valuable as possible. Let's go through them.

  • Study of the objective definition

    We start every card sorting session by determining the information we want to gather and the questions we want to ask the participants.

  • Card set preparation

    Next, we prepare cards representing different elements of a website, user interface, or content. Of course, to avoid misunderstandings, we make it understandable to the participants.

  • Session neutrality maintenance

    To get valuable insights from card sorting, you must refrain from disturbing the participants with hints or suggestions. So, we keep our mouths shut and give no directions to ensure the results are as objective as possible.

  • Post-session results analysis

    This analysis helps us reveal the natural structure of information from the user's perspective, highlighting similarities and differences in their understanding and preferences. It's crucial for identifying key themes and insights that can inform the design or app information architecture, ensuring that it aligns closely with user expectations and behaviours.

  • Findings utilisation

    The final results will help designers and researchers understand user preferences and expectations, allowing for a better interface adaptation to meet user needs.

Our UX Research
Methods and Tools

[ Methods & Tools ]

Choosing the right user research methods is crucial to keeping your customers satisfied. We'll help you translate your deep understanding of market demand into products and services your users will love.

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What Our
Clients Say

[ Clients ]

PwC logo.
PwC logo.

“We’ll keep them hiring for every project in the future.”

Kornel Kulisiewicz, Business Development Director at PWC.

Kornel Kulisiewicz

Business development director, PWC

Muscat logo.
Muscat logo.

“Our customer acquisition cost went down by about 50%. Our sales skyrocketed.”

David Winter, co-founder of Muscat.

David Winter


Onnibus logo.
Onnibus logo.

“We were surprised how quickly they delivered everything we asked for.”

Bernard Gołko, Chief Digital Officer at Onnibus.

Bernard Golko

Chief Digital officer, onnibus

Where UX Research
Fits in the Process

[ Process ]

UX research is the first and most crucial step of every project. It helps you understand your business, your customers and their needs. And it influences every decision at every subsequent stage of the process.

We take the data we gather in the research phase and turn it into actionable insights. These then form the basis of your strategy, which in turn shapes your design, branding, value proposition and future product development.

UX Research

Understand your customers

Discover your users’ real needs. Understand your true business context. And act on solid data – not gut feelings or assumptions.

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Digital Strategy

Set the right direction

Turn your research into actionable insights. And define a user experience aligned with your brand, customers, and business goals.

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Branding & Creative

Win hearts and minds

Build a distinctive, consistent brand that people remember – and that creates positive emotional connections with your products.

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Copywriting & UX Writing

The right words in the right places

Create stand-out content that elevates the user experience, grows your brand’s authority, and gets you more conversions.

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Product Design

Shape customer experience

Design user experiences and interfaces that meet people’s needs in beautiful, intuitive and elegantly simple ways.

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Web & Mobile Development

Make things real

Work with a team that’s got the skills, experience and flexibility to tackle any development challenge.

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Data Analytics

Power up your business

Uncover game-changing insights. Make data-driven decisions and get ahead of your rivals.

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Product Management

Connect the dots

Refine your product vision, bring your project to fruition, and generate the business results and value you need.

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Photo & Video Production

Amaze. Persuade. Inspire.

Add world-class photo & video content to your communication to reap strong benefits and boost your business.

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When our partners succeed, we succeed

Increase sales by expanding and engaging your user base, and streamlining the customer experience. Working with us is not a cost. It’s an investement.

Schedule a call with our
UX Research Expert

[ work with us ]

Every research challenge is different. That’s why we offer you a free consulting session with one of our in-house experts.

You’ll have the chance to explore which research solutions are the right fit for your project. And we’ll help you get a feel for what it’s like to partner with us.

Sound good?

A digital transformation can't happen without UX research, and our UX research services can shape your digital product strategy into a success story.
A digital transformation can't happen without UX research, and our UX research services can shape your digital product strategy into a success story.

Klaudia Doerffer


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