Mobile Applications

Whether ordering a taxi, food delivery, making a money transfer, or shopping, we all rely on mobile apps. Do you want to stay ahead of the curve? Don't forget about mobile.

The role of
UX/UI Design

in Mobile Application

In mobile app design, UX focuses on the user's overall experience and ease of use, while UI concerns the app's visual elements and interactivity. The goal is to create an engaging, intuitive interface for touch-based, smaller screens.

Benefits of
UI/UX in Mobile App Development

Mobile apps are designed and developed to give users easy and convenient access to various features, content, and services on their mobile devices. Regarding UI/UX, there are several vital aspects to consider when creating mobile applications.

Intuitive user interface

Users expect a simple and intuitive way to interact with the app, so providing easy navigation, understandable icons and buttons, and a consistent layout and structure is essential. The UI should be clear, legible, and aesthetically pleasing, allowing users to quickly find what they need and comfortably use the app's features.

Diversity of devices

Each mobile platform (e.g., iOS, Android) has specific guidelines and UI design principles. Appropriately adapting the app to different devices and platforms is vital to ensuring a consistent and optimal user experience across all devices.

Power of personalisation

Mobile apps should be personalised and tailored to individual user preferences and needs. Analysing user behaviours and preferences allows customisation of content, features, and UI layout to provide a more personalised experience.

Our Approach to
UX/UI Design in
Mobile Apps

Our workstyle on UX/UI design aims to provide users with a convenient, satisfying, and valuable experience when using the mobile app. With the right UI/UX design approach, your app will become a helpful tool and a significant contributor to the company's success.

Let's find out how we do it in Flying Bisons.

  • Research and understanding user needs

    We start the process by researching to understand the target audience's needs, preferences, and pain points. These insights usually include market analysis, user interviews, and surveys.

  • Definition of the app's purpose and goals

    Having all the research done, we define what the app is meant to achieve and its core functionality. This ultimate business goal guides the overall design and feature set.

  • Creation of the user personas and scenarios

    In the next step, we work on user personas representing the app's primary users. We outline scenarios and use cases to envision how your target personas will interact with the app.

  • Sketching and wireframing

    We start with basic sketches to lay out the app's structure. Then, we create wireframes to detail your app's layout and elements, focusing on user flow and interaction design.

  • Designing the UI

    Next, we develop the user interface, choosing colour schemes, typography, and graphic elements. Also, we ensure the UI is aesthetically pleasing and aligns with the app's branding

  • Prototyping and user testing

    In this step, we create an interactive prototype of the app. Also, we conduct user testing sessions to gather feedback on usability and overall experience.

  • Iteration based on feedback

    We use the feedback to refine and iterate the design. We focus on improving usability and ensuring the app meets customers' expectations.

  • Development and testing phase

    When the design is ready, we hand it over to the development team. Also, we continuously test the app for functionality and UX/UI design adherence during development.

  • Launch and performance monitoring

    Once launched, we monitor the app’s performance and gather user feedback. To do that, we use analytics and user feedback to make further improvements.

  • Iterative updates

    To keep your app deep in your customer's hearts, continuously update the app, improving the UX/UI based on user feedback and evolving technology and design trends.

Digital Product Design
for All the Touchpoints

[ Methods & Tools ]

Web Applications
Digital Kiosks
SaaS Products

Whether you need a high-converting launch site, or a groundbreaking digital experience to take things to the next level, our creative product design team has the skill and passion to deliver.

Want More?

What Our
Clients Say

[ Clients ]

PwC logo.
PwC logo.

“We’ll keep them hiring for every project in the future.”

Kornel Kulisiewicz, Business Development Director at PWC.

Kornel Kulisiewicz

Business development director, PWC

Muscat logo.
Muscat logo.

“Our customer acquisition cost went down by about 50%. Our sales skyrocketed.”

David Winter, co-founder of Muscat.

David Winter


Onnibus logo.
Onnibus logo.

“We were surprised how quickly they delivered everything we asked for.”

Bernard Gołko, Chief Digital Officer at Onnibus.

Bernard Golko

Chief Digital officer, onnibus

Where Product Design
Fits in the Process

[ Process ]

Digital product design is all about identifying and solving user problems. So our part of the process leans heavily on the earlier research and strategy phases.

Our work also overlaps with that of the branding team, as it’s our job to execute their brand vision across the product. We’re involved in the development phase, too, as we need to make sure all our designs are brought to life exactly as we intended.

UX Research

Understand your customers

Discover your users’ real needs. Understand your true business context. And act on solid data – not gut feelings or assumptions.

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Digital Strategy

Set the right direction

Turn your research into actionable insights. And define a user experience aligned with your brand, customers, and business goals.

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Branding & Creative

Win hearts and minds

Build a distinctive, consistent brand that people remember – and that creates positive emotional connections with your products.

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Copywriting & UX Writing

The right words in the right places

Create stand-out content that elevates the user experience, grows your brand’s authority, and gets you more conversions.

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Product Design

Shape customer experience

Design user experiences and interfaces that meet people’s needs in beautiful, intuitive and elegantly simple ways.

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Web & Mobile Development

Make things real

Work with a team that’s got the skills, experience and flexibility to tackle any development challenge.

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Data Analytics

Power up your business

Uncover game-changing insights. Make data-driven decisions and get ahead of your rivals.

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Product Management

Connect the dots

Refine your product vision, bring your project to fruition, and generate the business results and value you need.

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Photo & Video Production

Amaze. Persuade. Inspire.

Add world-class photo & video content to your communication to reap strong benefits and boost your business.

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When our partners succeed, we succeed

Increase sales by expanding and engaging your user base, and streamlining the customer experience.

Working with us is not a cost. It’s an investment.

Schedule a call with our
Product Design Expert

[ work with us ]

Every product design challenge is different. That’s why we offer you a free consulting session with one of our in-house experts.

You’ll have the chance to explore which research solutions are the right fit for your project. And we’ll help you get a feel for what it’s like to partner with us.

Sound good?

Michał Proniewicz

Head of Design

  • eobuwie logo.
  • KFC logo.
  • Bank Pekao logo.
  • AMG logo.
  • Booksy logo.
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