Information Architecture

Searching for specific information online can be challenging, like finding a needle in a haystack. This is where information architecture (IA) solves this problem by providing your website with a solid structure, organising all of the information.

What is an
Information Architecture?

Information architecture is a critical component of the practical design process. It involves organising and structuring information in a logical and understandable way, essentially creating a framework that dictates how content is grouped, organised, and presented. All this makes it easier for users to find information and enhances the overall navigation experience.

It demonstrates the relationship between different content elements and establishes their hierarchy and presentation. Also, with a solid information architecture you can reduce the cognitive load.

Improve your
platform’s performance
with Information Architecture

The overload of information we are all exposed to makes it difficult to find one specific thing. Fortunately, there is a solution that we have already described – information architecture. But how exactly can you and your users benefit from it? Let’s take a closer look. 

Improved usability

A well-structured and effectively designed information architecture helps users easily find the information they are looking for, reducing frustration and increasing efficiency. What is more, such a structure ensure users can move through your platform intuitively without getting lost. 

Enhanced user experience

If you ever get lost on a website or app while looking for information you need, you know how significantly such things impact the overall user experience. With correctly designed information architecture, the opposite is true. It directly enhances the user experience.

Increased engagement and retention

The main factors driving this benefit are accessibility, content discovery, and the path to conversion. Information architecture plays a crucial role in ensuring users can discover new content and at the same time making content accessible to all users and guiding users towards desired actions.

Scalability and flexibility

When creating a website or app, you want it to be "future-proof" by incorporating a solid information architecture. This helps in adding new features or content without requiring a complete redesign. Additionally, it makes it easier to manage, update, and grow a large content library without causing disarray.

Wider perspective

Thanks to the IA, we can view the planned architecture from a global and detailed perspective. The global view focuses on the layout of subpages and sections, while the detailed view determines the placement of individual elements. It helps identify any potential competition among subpages.

Enhanced SEO

An organised IA supports SEO by ensuring that search engines can crawl and index your website's content correctly, while also providing a positive user experience that can reduce bounce rates and encourage engagement.

So, if you want your platform to be as accessible and easy to navigate as possible, you should definitely invest in a proper information architecture. This way, users will be more likely to use your platform instead of your competitors, which is probably the most crucial point of all of this, isn’t it? 

Our Approach to
Information Architecture

Now, if you want to implement information architecture into your platform, but don’t know where or how to start, no worries – we are your guy! To give you a better idea of how we do it, let us break down the key steps in this process.

  • Learning about your user profile

    At the beginning of the process, we conduct user profile research to learn about their behaviour and what kind of information they are looking for. We then create a persona or proto-persona to help us define key goals and user motivations, which later influence the whole structure of information architecture. Of course, the IA is not all about the users but also about the business itself, so in this process of creating a perfect structure, we also take business goals into consideration.

  • Benchmark research

    When creating information architecture, it's important to review how others are doing it. In this step, we examine and compare the structure of your competitors' platforms. It's crucial to understand what is effective and what isn't for your main competitors. This helps us eliminate certain ideas from the start and develop a few potential structures tailored specifically to your needs.

  • Categorization process

    Once we get familiar with your users, their needs and ways how they are looking for information, we identify main content categories, their hierarchy and correlations between each other. During this phase, we are using various techniques such as creating a sitemap, a decision tree and the basic information structure.

  • Collaboration with you

    We work internally with a team of strategists and designers to define and design product concepts that you can easily test with your customers. We stay open-minded and include your ideas as well as market research insights. After all, it is all about a collaboration between you and us.

  • Validation and improvement

    Even the best possible ideas have to prove their value in a field. The implemented changes have to be monitored in order to ensure whether or not this information architecture is performing well. Obviously, we do not have the perfect receipt for a successful structure, but we always have a couple of hypotheses about different layouts which can work better or worse. And, with the help of A/B testing we decide which layout converts the best.

With such information architecture, you can elevate your business and take your platform to a whole new level.

Ready to do it? We’re here to help you!

Digital Product Design
for All the Touchpoints

[ Methods & Tools ]

Web Applications
Digital Kiosks
SaaS Products

Whether you need a high-converting launch site, or a groundbreaking digital experience to take things to the next level, our creative product design team has the skill and passion to deliver.

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What Our
Clients Say

[ Clients ]

PwC logo.
PwC logo.

“We’ll keep them hiring for every project in the future.”

Kornel Kulisiewicz, Business Development Director at PWC.

Kornel Kulisiewicz

Business development director, PWC

Muscat logo.
Muscat logo.

“Our customer acquisition cost went down by about 50%. Our sales skyrocketed.”

David Winter, co-founder of Muscat.

David Winter


Onnibus logo.
Onnibus logo.

“We were surprised how quickly they delivered everything we asked for.”

Bernard Gołko, Chief Digital Officer at Onnibus.

Bernard Golko

Chief Digital officer, onnibus

Where Product Design
Fits in the Process

[ Process ]

Digital product design is all about identifying and solving user problems. So our part of the process leans heavily on the earlier research and strategy phases.

Our work also overlaps with that of the branding team, as it’s our job to execute their brand vision across the product. We’re involved in the development phase, too, as we need to make sure all our designs are brought to life exactly as we intended.

UX Research

Understand your customers

Discover your users’ real needs. Understand your true business context. And act on solid data – not gut feelings or assumptions.

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Digital Strategy

Set the right direction

Turn your research into actionable insights. And define a user experience aligned with your brand, customers, and business goals.

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Branding & Creative

Win hearts and minds

Build a distinctive, consistent brand that people remember – and that creates positive emotional connections with your products.

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Copywriting & UX Writing

The right words in the right places

Create stand-out content that elevates the user experience, grows your brand’s authority, and gets you more conversions.

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Product Design

Shape customer experience

Design user experiences and interfaces that meet people’s needs in beautiful, intuitive and elegantly simple ways.

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Web & Mobile Development

Make things real

Work with a team that’s got the skills, experience and flexibility to tackle any development challenge.

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Data Analytics

Power up your business

Uncover game-changing insights. Make data-driven decisions and get ahead of your rivals.

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Product Management

Connect the dots

Refine your product vision, bring your project to fruition, and generate the business results and value you need.

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Photo & Video Production

Amaze. Persuade. Inspire.

Add world-class photo & video content to your communication to reap strong benefits and boost your business.

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When our partners succeed, we succeed

Increase sales by expanding and engaging your user base, and streamlining the customer experience.

Working with us is not a cost. It’s an investment.

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Product Design Expert

[ work with us ]

Every product design challenge is different. That’s why we offer you a free consulting session with one of our in-house experts.

You’ll have the chance to explore which research solutions are the right fit for your project. And we’ll help you get a feel for what it’s like to partner with us.

Sound good?

Michał Proniewicz

Head of Design

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