Value proposition

A product's value proposition gives a customer a reason to buy it. As simple as it may sound, it helps to clearly define, structure, and communicate the brand and product's offer to the customers in plain words.

What is
Value proposition?

The value proposition is a framework that helps formulate a precise definition of what value you offer to your customers. It primarily focuses on the product or service benefits answering particular cusomers' needs and problems.

This way, you don’t leave room for misunderstanding, ambiguity, overpromise, or understatements and don't overcommunicate just the features. Once it’s done, it will help you build your product and communicate it to the world more consistently the way it will sell.

Find your product’s value
with Value Proposition

The world is filled with an overwhelming amount of messages about products and services that promise to improve our lives. As consumers, we make numerous decisions every day about whether to buy something or not. When creating a digital product, it's important to recognize that this is the battleground where you need to compete for customer attention.

Clear message

Value proposition helps you define precisely and accurately what you are trying to sell to your customer. It's important to communicate with the customer using their own language and terms to ensure clear understanding.

Standing out of the crowd

Not many companies establish effective communication with their customers, which is where you can gain a significant advantage. Remember to not use cliche wording but instead reach the customer with a distinctive message.

Resonating with heart & mind

The value proposition, combined with the unique brand’s tone of voice, helps formulate a language and tonality that simply clicks with your target customer. And, everyone knows that when a customer resonates with a product on an emotional level, it is already a win for you.

A strategic compass for your organisation

If you want to build a consistent product, it's crucial that your entire team grasps its true value. When customers see that everyone in your company truly comprehends and communicates the real value of your product, they'll be more likely to choose it.

Our approach to
Value proposition development

When it comes to creating product concepts, we're your guy. As a team of field-tested, experienced experts, we’ve developed our own approach, which consists of 5 stages:

  • Deep dive into your product and customer

    At the beginning of our cooperation, we work hand in hand with all product stakeholders, to understand your vision, objectives, and challenges, aligning with your digital business strategy.

  • Benchmark research

    Once we get familiar with your vision, objectives, and challenges, it’s time to find inspiration. In this phase, we conduct extensive desktop and competition research to explore the best solutions and benchmarks in your industry.

  • Product value proposition exploration

    Not to brag, but our creative workshops are vibrant spaces where ideas flow freely. Through collaborative brainstorming sessions, we tap into the collective great mindsets of our team and stakeholders to uncover the true core of what your product has to offer to the customer.

  • Cooperation with strategists and copywriters

    We work internally with a team of strategists and copywriters to define and design product value proposition that you can easily test with your customers. We try to stay open-minded and include your ideas as well as market research insights. After all, it is all about a collaboration between you and us.

  • Validation and discovery of new features

    Even the the worked out value proposition has to prove itself in a field. To validate and discover new features, we conduct both quantitative and qualitative research with users. It shows us all the strong and weak points of our ideas and puts the spotlight on areas that need improvements. Basically, everything that has been created is tested in the field.

With Value Proposition framework in your toolbox, you'll boost your chances of market success and eliminate the risk of wasting resources on unsuccessful features.

Digital Strategy
Methods and Tools

[ Methods & Tools ]


The right strategy can propel your product to incredible new heights. Our carefully chosen tools and methods allow us to craft powerful, data-driven strategies with deep connections to your users.

Want More?

  • Affinity Mapping

  • Creative Workshops

  • Customer Experience Mapping

  • Product Concepts

  • Value Proposition Design

  • Strategic Workshops

  • Product Positioning

  • Brainstorming

  • Technology Workshops

  • Design Briefs

  • User Story Mapping

  • Service Design

  • Product Roadmaps

What Our
Clients Say

[ Clients ]

PwC logo.
PwC logo.

“We’ll keep them hiring for every project in the future.”

Kornel Kulisiewicz, Business Development Director at PWC.

Kornel Kulisiewicz

Business development director, PWC

Muscat logo.
Muscat logo.

“Our customer acquisition cost went down by about 50%. Our sales skyrocketed.”

David Winter, co-founder of Muscat.

David Winter


Onnibus logo.
Onnibus logo.

“We were surprised how quickly they delivered everything we asked for.”

Bernard Gołko, Chief Digital Officer at Onnibus.

Bernard Golko

Chief Digital officer, onnibus

Where Strategy
Fits in the Process

[ Process ]

A solid product strategy is key. It helps you deliver a consistent product and experience, and powers you towards your business goals.

Product strategy comes before any design work starts – and it has an overarching influence on every subsequent phase of the process. For every project we work on, we make sure the strategy is created with painstaking care and clarity of purpose. This often means asking tough questions, making difficult decisions, and interrogating the viability of different solutions. Ultimately, we need to make sure we design the right thing – before designing the thing right.

UX Research

Understand your customers

Discover your users’ real needs. Understand your true business context. And act on solid data – not gut feelings or assumptions.

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Digital Strategy

Set the right direction

Turn your research into actionable insights. And define a user experience aligned with your brand, customers, and business goals.

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Branding & Creative

Win hearts and minds

Build a distinctive, consistent brand that people remember – and that creates positive emotional connections with your products.

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Copywriting & UX Writing

The right words in the right places

Create stand-out content that elevates the user experience, grows your brand’s authority, and gets you more conversions.

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Product Design

Shape customer experience

Design user experiences and interfaces that meet people’s needs in beautiful, intuitive and elegantly simple ways.

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Web & Mobile Development

Make things real

Work with a team that’s got the skills, experience and flexibility to tackle any development challenge.

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Data Analytics

Power up your business

Uncover game-changing insights. Make data-driven decisions and get ahead of your rivals.

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Product Management

Connect the dots

Refine your product vision, bring your project to fruition, and generate the business results and value you need.

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Photo & Video Production

Amaze. Persuade. Inspire.

Add world-class photo & video content to your communication to reap strong benefits and boost your business.

Learn more

When our partners succeed, we succeed

Increase sales by expanding and engaging your user base, and streamlining the customer experience.

Working with us is not a cost. It’s an investement.

Schedule a call with our
Digital Strategy Expert

[ work with us ]

Every digital strategy is different. That’s why we offer you a free consulting session with one of our in-house experts.

You’ll have the chance to explore which digital strategy solutions are the right fit for your project. And we’ll help you get a feel for what it’s like to partner with us.

Sound good?

Kamil Tatol


  • eobuwie logo.
  • KFC logo.
  • Bank Pekao logo.
  • AMG logo.
  • Booksy logo.
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