Tone of Voice

Building a successful brand, it's not just about what you say but also how you say it. And here is where the tone of voice comes into play. Sounds enigmatic? Scroll down for more.

What is
Tone of Voice?

Tone of voice refers to the personality and character of the language used in the digital product. It includes factors of formality, friendliness, and the overall style of the language.

Setting a tone of voice for a digital product is crucial because it helps to create a cohesive and consistent user experience. It also helps to establish the brand identity and personality of the product.

Brand Voice vs Tone of Voice:
What's the Difference?

You may have heard about brand voice, now we’re talking about tone of voice. If you’re getting lost, no worries. We’re here to help and explain all the differences.

Tone of Voice Brand Voice

Refers to the specific mood or attitude expressed in a particular piece of communication

Refers to the overall personality of a brand and the way it communicates with its audience

Can vary depending on the context and the audience, and can be adjusted to suit the purpose of the message

Encompasses the language, style, and tone used in all forms of communication, including marketing materials, social media posts, and customer interactions

Is used in a customer service interaction, might be more empathetic and helpful

Should be consistent and unique and accuerately reflect its values, mission, and personality

Stand out from the crowd
with a unique Tone of Voice

There are several reasons why it is worth considering the tone of voice in your digital projects:


Setting a tone of voice helps to create a consistent and cohesive user experience across all aspects of the product or website.

Brand identity

A well-matched tone of voice helps to establish the personality and unique character of your digital product, which is an integral part of the overall brand identity.

Trust and credibility

Using a precise and professional tone of voice helps to establish trust and credibility with your users and potential customers.


A well-defined tone of voice helps to differentiate the product from its competitors, emphasise its unique value proposition, and get remembered by your target group

User engagement

A well-crafted tone of voice builds emotional connections, setting a brand apart and making its message more engaging. This consistency boosts user experience and fosters loyalty of your customers.

Our Approach
to your brand’s Tone of Voice

As a team of digital communication experts, we know how to work out a tone of voice that will make your company shine. We will make your brand stand out from the crowd following these 6 steps:

  • Understanding your target audience

    To create a tone of voice that resonates with your audience, we start from understanding who they are and what they care about. In this research, we take a closer look at factors such as their age, interests, values, and motivations.

  • Defining your brand personality

    Knowing your audience, we define the character and personality you want your brand to embody. This personalisation helps us determine the tone and style of your communication.

  • Determining your brand's message

    In this step, we determine the main message to convey through your brand's tone of voice. Also, for you, it’s time do decide how do you want your brand to sound - is it a message of trustworthiness, innovation, or fun? Of course, we will help you to choose the most suitable option.

  • Creating a tone of voice guide

    Once we have a clear understanding of your target audience, brand personality, and message. we move to the next milestone - your tone of voice guide. It’s a document that outlines the specific words, phrases, and tone that should be used in your communication.

  • Training your team

    While working with our partners, we make sure everyone in their team is aware of and follows the tone of voice guide. Usually, we provide training or resources to help them understand and apply the guidelines in their work.

  • Monitoring and adjusting

    As we start suing the new brand's tone of voice working for our clients, we pay attention to how your audience receives it. If necessary, our content team make adjustments to ensure that it is consistent and effective in helping our clients achieve their brand goals.

All the Right Words
in all the
Right Places

[ Methods & Tools ]

Our copy and UX writing team delivers everything you need to keep users engaged with your product. From content strategy and tone of voice to digital content and microcopy, we've got you covered.

Want More?

  • Naming

  • Transactional Communications

  • Tone of Voice Workshops

  • Photography

  • Communication Strategy

What Our
Clients Say

[ Clients ]

PwC logo.
PwC logo.

“We’ll keep them hiring for every project in the future.”

Kornel Kulisiewicz, Business Development Director at PWC.

Kornel Kulisiewicz

Business development director, PWC

Muscat logo.
Muscat logo.

“Our customer acquisition cost went down by about 50%. Our sales skyrocketed.”

David Winter, co-founder of Muscat.

David Winter


Onnibus logo.
Onnibus logo.

“We were surprised how quickly they delivered everything we asked for.”

Bernard Gołko, Chief Digital Officer at Onnibus.

Bernard Golko

Chief Digital officer, OnniBus

Where Content
Fits in the Process

[ Process ]

Copy and UX writing is a seamless continuation of previous stages in the process – particularly the research and strategy phases.

Our team gains a deep understanding of your business goals and customer needs, before crafting copy that makes the impact you need. Our writers also work closely with our design experts, to make sure all copy works as intended and contributes to a seamless user experience.

UX Research

Understand your customers

Discover your users’ real needs. Understand your true business context. And act on solid data – not gut feelings or assumptions.

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Digital Strategy

Set the right direction

Turn your research into actionable insights. And define a user experience aligned with your brand, customers, and business goals.

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Branding & Creative

Win hearts and minds

Build a distinctive, consistent brand that people remember – and that creates positive emotional connections with your products.

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Copywriting & UX Writing

The right words in the right places

Create stand-out content that elevates the user experience, grows your brand’s authority, and gets you more conversions.

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Product Design

Shape customer experience

Design user experiences and interfaces that meet people’s needs in beautiful, intuitive and elegantly simple ways.

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Web & Mobile Development

Make things real

Work with a team that’s got the skills, experience and flexibility to tackle any development challenge.

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Data Analytics

Power up your business

Uncover game-changing insights. Make data-driven decisions and get ahead of your rivals.

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Product Management

Connect the dots

Refine your product vision, bring your project to fruition, and generate the business results and value you need.

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Photo & Video Production

Amaze. Persuade. Inspire.

Add world-class photo & video content to your communication to reap strong benefits and boost your business.

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When our partners succeed, we succeed

Increase sales by expanding and engaging your user base, and streamlining the customer experience.

Working with us is not a cost. It’s an investement.

Schedule a call with our
Copywriting Expert

[ work with us ]

Every copy and UX writing challenge is different. That’s why we offer you a free consulting session with one of our in-house experts.

You’ll have the chance to explore which solutions are the right fit for your project. And we’ll help you get a feel for what it’s like to partner with us.

Sound good?

Natalia Kamieńska

Head of Copy & UX Writing

  • eobuwie logo.
  • KFC logo.
  • Bank Pekao logo.
  • AMG logo.
  • Booksy logo.
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