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How to make Saudi Vision 2030 happen?

  • Kamil Tatol

  • Feb 03, 2023

  • 5 min read

  • Feb 03, 2023

  • 5 min read

This story may start like a fairy tale. With our hero – we can follow the dream of a strong economy, public services friendly to society, and a technological revolution. See where this path crosses with Flying Bisons.

Once upon a time

In 2015, Saudi Arabia's sharp decline in oil prices brought a gloomy vision of recession. After ten economically demanding years, the future should look better.

The end of 2015. McKinsey Global Institute published a report that shows the recession was inevitable. Even if the government implements changes now, unemployment will peak, and society's incomes will drop.

This vision needs to look more bright.

The revolution needs a bold hero

But then, In 2016, Prince Muhammad ibn Salman ibn Abd al-Aziz Al Su'ud became an heir to the throne. Modern Prince wanted to revolutionize a whole economic and social system and diverse primary sources of financing for the country and lead it to a new future.

Three main pillars of this program were a direct answer to the Kinsey report.

That would save the whole economy – Actions implemented as Vision 2030 – triple branched strategy of increasing workplaces, the efficiency of the workforce, and optimizing governmental income.

This challenge of deploying a vast, revolutionary vision strengthened his position as a leader and reformer. Despite many enemies of his bold vision, he became a king in 2017 and became unstoppable from this moment.

The Future is Digital

Decreasing unemployment, efficiency in the labour sector, and at least, increasing all of Saudi Arabia's income. It's all part of Vision 2030, and digital transformation conjoins all these three pillars.

Under the agenda of Vision 2030, The National Strategy for Digital Transformation is one of the essential subjects to develop. The critical part of this program is the widespread introduction of digitisation in every public area.

Revolution is inevitable

All of these revolutionary actions consist of an urge for digital transformation.

Vision 2030 still needs challenges: tedious bureaucracy and digitizing essential civic areas. It's an obvious necessity to simplify and relieve everyday citizens' problems, which are also causing a slowing down of investments and national income growth.

Many informational technologies, such as governmental citizens systems, need to be faster and more efficient. Government is aware that this is crucial for increasing attractivity for investors.

Where to start when the urge for system recovery is so apparent, but the challenge is enormous?

Just find specialists who can gather this colossal data and deliver a custom strategy of world-class quality. So, here Flying Bisons arrive.

It's not abracadabra spelt by wizards and sorcerers, just knowledge and experience gained by years of professional work.

Giant leap over the desert sky

When the highest stake is rolling over, it is better to give it to professionals. What helped us to be a part of Vision 2030 is that we have the resources to manage large-scale, complex projects.

As Digital Consultants, we know precisely how to prepare the deployment process of complicated changes and deliver it solid, with the highest design level possible.

A long road needs a wide view

The process is not just about good design (which is our bold side too – definitely), but for its primary purpose – to help efficiently resolve people's everyday problems. To find a way to solve these, we need to start with a deepened diagnosis.

How can we make it? What is the focal point of user needs? How can we increase clarity and redesign the user path to make it simple and helpful?

We know it because we provide answers, not just to solve particular user or service problems. We use wide-range, expansive views to comprehend the digital horizon.

And here comes the hero

Now, we are part of this story – we are working on redesigning Qiwa – a national platform for HR and Social Development services in Saudi Arabia.

As strategic partners to Takamol, Qiwa's owner, we delivered a world-class public service experience for platform users. And we crafted quality UX copy to make everything seamless across all processes.

This partnership and the first project are running smoothly, and it's very rewarding for both sides. After the first finished step, we are working on the next one: front-end redesign, as a natural continuation of the road where our journey starts.

The process is an answer

Digital consulting is about quality and process, and this particular set of approaches distinguishes Flying Bisons in a landscape of other agencies.

With a holistic approach and superior skills – a broad context managed by top employees with narrow specialisation – this structure promotes knowledge exchange and exceeds expectations about the project's final effect. Our employees are growing – mentors are present in every company area – experienced leaders who share their knowledge readily.

While assembling the project teams, we choose people with detailed scrutiny following their experience and a profound understanding of the client context.

We can dive deep, possessing tremendous experience across sectors - we can blend this expertise with a masterful position of our client. Eventually, he knows best about his company's situation.

What comes first with Digital Transformation?

We are experts in helping successful businesses in the digital world. Our understanding of the Digital transformation process comes from our vast experience, and we work across government and business units.

We can drive business results by inventing, designing, and optimizing digital products used daily by millions of people. We are taking care of the whole process, not just design, strategy, and deepened analysis.

In our part of the globe, we are leaders and pioneers of digital consultancy.

How is Qiwa Center Case scoping crucial needs for technological statements of Vision 2030?

Our goal is to push forward The National Strategy for Digital Transformation part of Saudi Arabia's Vision 2030.

Qiwa is a national platform for HR and social development services in Saudi Arabia.

Digital transformation and acceleration are inevitable for every organization to preserve their place in a modern digital landscape. This example shows how one of Labour's most significant and crucial ministries trusted Flying Bisons to pursue that aim.

What is the primary purpose of the redesign?

Vision 2030 is a game-changer for the citizens. No one wants to stand in queues anymore, even in air-conditioned governmental offices. It was also clear that these services have to go digital to streamline all Qiwa operations.

Bureaucracy and procedure complications can remind Kafka's Castle. Saudis understood the necessity of simplifying all the valuable ways of their social services to decrease the number of service tickets and office visits. 

So, we can give a hand to make it happen.

How did we do this?

We travelled to Riyadh to study the country's legal system with scrutiny and deep understanding. After this, based on our research and in-depth analysis, we prepared project Strategy Phases.

The next step was redesigning critical Qiwa services based on a new Design System that will allow the Takamol team to deploy more services faster. We redesigned Qiwa services, and after this, we created a design system that became a base for developing the client service systems.

We aim to deliver a digital product that is intuitive, sleek, and fully accessible. This project needs to be clear as possible; it contains variations of rules, and exceptions and consists of various types of visas, work permits, and contracts. We managed to organise this complexity.

This platform will soon become compulsory for all Saudi citizens, so we are ready to push it to the perfect limits. We created all written content for the Knowledge Center, and Saudi experts just checked the fully designed product.

Our Saudi partners decided to continue our journey due to the excellent satisfaction we provide during this responsible task. The fairy tale will have another great ending. We may collaborate for the next step with Takamol – the front-end redesign of the Qiwa site.

So, it seems this journey is just the beginning of another adventure.

Kamil Tatol, CEO at Flying Bisons.

Kamil Tatol

CEO & UX/UI Consultant

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